Monday, January 14, 2013

More to Be Mentoring Monday - Week One

Part of this mentoring study is following along in the book, "Impact my Life" by Elisa Pulliam.  Over the course of the past week I looked at chapters one through four as we sought to simplify biblical mentoring.

As Elisa says, it all begins with a story.Your journey of faith is just the story to move you forward into the role of mentoring.  It's important to chronical not only your salvation experience, but also how God has strenghened your faith throughout your relationship with Him.

In chapter two we looked at discipleship in the context of biblical mentoring.  By using scripture, Elisa put together a few principles for biblical mentorship, engaging in an active, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, believing that He died on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins. (Romans 10:9-10), seeking to learn the Word, apply it to life and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16) and demonstrating an active committment to the body of Christ by attending church, serving by using my gifts and talents, and coming under the authority of a pastor and elders.

Agreeing with these statements is critical to being a biblical mentor.  Moving on we thought about someone who had mentored us in the past and how we specifically learned from that person.  My mentor, Kathleen, was a beautiful friend and lover of Jesus.  We did life together and with a few others we studied the word, prayed faithfully and grew together in the Lord.

Kathleen opened my heart and eyes to sides of Jesus that I hadn't considered before. I truly attribute the woman that I am today to the love, friendship and teaching of my mentor.

Chapter three revealed several ways to be a mentor and to be mentored.  There were certain avenues that I hadn't considered before.  It encourages me to think that God uses very creative ways to allow mentorship to take place. 

In the last chapter for the week, Elisa uncovered the truth about the qualifications for biblical mentorship. The first is from 2 Timothy 3:16-17, being committed to the Word and seeking to live it out daily.  The second is taken from Titus 2:3-5, being open to Gods leading in revealing which people in your life are in need of biblical mentoring.

It quiets my soul to know that God is the only qualifier to mentoring and that as long as I am actively pursuing Him, following His leading and pointing others back to Him, I am a qualified mentor!!

The facebook group is full of tips and encouragement as 70+ women from around the world come together to seek out how to be the mentors that God calls us to be!!

It's not too late to join in!!  Just click the button to the right of the page for information on how to get started!!  Let me know if you decide to join in the fun!!

Until next time, God bless <3



  1. Lorraine, I love your informative post and your participation! It is such a blessing to see how God is moving in you and already building your confidence in Him! Praise the Lord!

  2. I love your insights too. And your website is so easy on the eyes. Aaahhh... a delightful escape. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Elisa and Lori - thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words!! I means the world to me <3
