Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dreamy, Collection, Freedom, Relaxing, & Yellow

Alright, its been a few days since I've updated the blog. I promise that I've taken pictures, though! Since we've gotten back from camp I've been trying to unpack, straighten up, and get back on a normal sleep schedule. That's my excuse for not postinf... I know, it's lame!

Anyway, the first picture's theme is Dreamy. While we were at camp we were served a deliciously dreamy smores camp. It consisted of chocolate cake baked on a layer of graham cracker crumbs and topped with marshmallow drizzle. Yum.

The second picture is of a collection. I thought that I would show you my necklace collection. I store my necklaces next to my bathroom door (in my bedroom) and I use oversized blue and white push pins. A few months ago I decided that the push pins weren't cutting it for me, so I spiced it up with some paint chips! Super cute!

The third picture theme is Freedom. I had some trouble with this one but soon realized that it was right in front of me. As you may remember from a previous post, I'm reading Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis. The book is about a young woman who decides to leave her comfortable life and live in Africa. My description does the book no justice, so go read it! Anyway, I've realized over my mere 15 years that freedom comes from serving. Katie Davis sure knows freedom! It's a great read!

I also had some trouble with the photo challenge of Relaxing. Don't get me wrong. I relax a lot more than others, but the past couple days I feel like I've always been doing something. My mom walked into her bathroom today and found this picture of our cat, Nelson, napping in her sink. He's been in there all day! He's so crazy...

The last picture for today is themed around Yellow. A portion of my books (all of the novels) are color coordinated, yes you can shake your head at me now. I don't have a ton of yellow books, but the few I do have are awesome!!

I've been participating in White Peach Blog's Photo a Day challenge, which you can find at her blog. You can also look at my original post on the subject here.

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