Monday, May 21, 2012


This is where you will find me on this chilly, damp Monday.  Sometimes I just have nothing to say.  I mean, I guess I could muster up something, but what worth would there be in it.  There seems to be so much rattling around in my mind and in my heart and I just need to dump it.  The best place is at the throne....I don't even have to make it all neat and organized and sensible.

That's amazing......that we have a God that has taken care of that for us...His Spirit intercedes for us, when we can't put letters together to create words.  He reads the deepest parts of who we are and he knows how and why we hurt.  He knows our need before we do, before we ever have to even speak it.  Thank you Jesus <3

I need that today.  Everyday really.  When we are troubled, burdened, weary, overwhelmed, He's there.  We don't have to tidy up, no neat packaging or fancy shmancy words.  Just us, in our dirty rotten mess, meeting the Pure and Perfect Father, for a spiritual cleansing that can come from no one else.  I have been fighting for this today.  Not that it wasn't already there waiting for me when I awoke, but because I am just too stubborn to let it go.  Why do we feel the need to take care of everyone and everything?  Who ever said that we had to? 

I'm surrendering these things hurts, really bad.  It's like the slow ripping off of a bandaid, across the hairiest part of your does that hurt {and if you know me, you know how I feel about that!!}  I'm feeling that pain today and I don't like it, but I can accept it because I know its for a good cause.

Praying that you feel God's presence in your day, whether you are on the mountaintop or in the trenches, may you accept all that He has for you today <3

God bless <3 Lorraine

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