Thursday, March 1, 2012

You and I can change the world.....

Hey friends,we have a very unique opportunity and we want to share it with you.  Some of you may have seen people post about Humankind Water on Facebook. We had the priviledge of meeting TJ, CEO and President of Humankind Water last night at youth group.  He came and did a 5 minute presentation for us and told us how we can help change the world. 

Have you ever dreamed of being a super hero, or of changing the world?  Well friends, it's not just a dream anymore, it's a reality.  Here's a quick video that helps explain the problem, the solution and this unique opportunity that we have.

Diarreah, no one should have to die from that.  We have a real, tangible way to help change the lives of thousands of people.  Imagine that you could save the lives of 10,000 children a day, and all you have to do is vote. 

 Vote like crazy, starting Wednesday, March 7th and continuing for four weeks.  Tell your friends, tell your family, tell strangers!!!  We are always looking for ways to make a difference, we always feel small and insignificant in the face of these epidemics.  They are too far for us to reach.  Not this time!!!

Bottled water, one website, one vote (multiplied), thousands of lives changed.  Please, go to to register, you can enter your email for updates and reminders, your mobile number for the same.  Go to their youtube channel for a variety of videos on Humankind Water and share them on facebook.  Change your picture, your banner, change lives.

<3Lorraine and Jessica <3

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