Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday's Favorite Five # 7

Friday's Favorite Five #7
Happy Friday!!!!  This edition of Friday's Favorite Five, I am sad to admit, is super last minute and will be written entirely by me, Jessica. So, that may either make you want to finish reading or stop right here.. consider yourself warned! :D

1. Craft
This is more of a recipe than an actual craft, but how cute would these be at a tea party!! Check out the recipe at If you can read French, that is. Otherwise you can probably just make simple butter cookies and dip them in chocolate!

2. Music

'You Lie' by The Band Perry is a super catchy song! My dad has always loved this band and my mom and I are just catching onto The Band Perry train! Their whole album is great!!

3. Blog/Other
As this has nothing to do with a blog, it would fall under the category of 'other'! I realllly love this seat, how cool is it?! You can find more information about it here!

4. Scripture

This is really reassuring to remember, as long as we trust in God, things will turn out A-Okay in the end!! This verse isn't saying that we'll land that perfect job or all of our debt will magically vanish, it's saying that we don't have to worry about all of the harms of the world, because we have our God and nobody can take that away from us!

5. Quote

This is really hard to remember sometimes, but oh so necessary!

Thanks for joining us and looking at our favorites for the week!
~Lorraine and Jessica

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jessica for taking care of this completely on your own!! I'm thankful that you are so capable and creative all by yourself <3 Thank you too for the wonderful reminders of scripture.....probably not too hard for you to grab onto after listening to me grumble and fret all week long. Again, I'm thankful that you are also capable of pointing your dear old mother back to the truth <3 I love you!! p.s. Love that chair and the tea cookies website has the translation option <3 So you don't have to read it in french :)
