Sunday, November 6, 2011

Weekend Fun

So today finds me at home instead of at church.  We've been battling colds here for the past few weeks.  It's no fun.  When you have multiple children, germs have a way of sharing themselves with everyone in the house!!!  (so kind of them)  Very rarely does it hit everyone at the same time, more often, it takes its time and goes one at a time....making sure that you miss out on weeks and weeks of activity.  It started out with our 11 year old, then moved to the 10 year old.  Now it's time for the 7 year old and I believe myself.  Luckily the 15 year old and the husband have been spared.  Although Jessica has complained of very small, cold-like symptoms...I'm pretty sure she will not go untouched!

I'm gladly accepting the break that a cold brings along.  Not that I wanted to miss church, but when it comes to breaks, I'll take what I can get!!  We've had a busy weekend and after a lot of busyness, I enjoy some down time!!  So the little girl and I are watching a movie marathon - High School Musical!!  Fun times!!!

Yesterday the boys had a birthday party to go to and it's location made running back home after dropping them off seem a bit silly.  We'd be home for maybe an hour and then have to head back out to pick them up.  So instead, the hubs, myself and the two girls went to a local mall, had some lunch and just walked around and wasted time, I mean, spent time together :)  We came home and hosted my parents for dinner and Christmas gift planning.  They pulled out the toy books and let the kids go through them, circling all of the things that they wanted.  What joy!!

Friday night we spent the evening with friends.  We went to the movies to see "Courageous".  I was told to bring tissues.  I should have listened!!!  I can't remember another movie that took me from hysterical laughing to trying to hold back the tears in one scene change!  What an amazing movie and challenge to the fathers of our world.  They have a big job to do, thankfully we have a Heavenly Father who not only sets the example of how to love, but walks by our sides as He leads and guides us to love.

I also started reading "Kisses from Katie" last weekend and finished it up on Friday.  It's the story of an amazing young woman who finds her heart drawn to the people of Uganda.  I could tell you more, but I don't want to give it away, instead I urge you to get the book and read it yourself!! It's another amazing challenge to all of us to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39) and to take care of the widows and orphans (James 1:27).  It has made me question a lot of things in my life.  We live in the land of plenty while hundreds of thousands of others live in the land of poverty.  It breaks my heart to think about all that we have and know that there are families out there who literally have nothing.  I am so thankful to people like Katie Davis who go and offer these people not only supplies for living, but a living hope...The Living Hope in Jesus Christ.  But, it's not enough for us to just sit here and leave the work to someone else.

I don't want to get ahead of myself, or write a book here on the spot (though I'm certain I could).  I will leave you with these two powerful challenges. Go see "Courageous" and read "Kisses from Katie".  I hope you find yourself moved to ask the hard questions.  

Love and God's Blessings - Lorraine

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Lorraine! I'm praying that everyone in your home is cold-free very soon. Enjoy your restful Sunday!
