Saturday, March 22, 2014

goats and a movie by Julia

We got goats!!
this is tank!
this is blue!
this is my favorite bitsy!
they LOVE to be with people and LOVE to be pet!
They are so nice and I can speak to them. Of course I
don't know what I'm saying to them but they
respond so......yeah.
Well tonight we are going to see the movie "Gods Not Dead"!! I'm super excited!
Here is the link to watch the trailer:

I hope you can see it
soon :):):):):):):)<3

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Fling

Happy Spring Friends!!  I don't know about you, but I am so ready for spring to begin!  Although there is more snow in our forecast, I'm looking forward to warmer temps, new life sprouting all around, the promise and hope of new beginnings and so much more!  

Since I can't depend on the seasonal change to take place and stay put, I've decided to have a Spring Fling inside my home!  The heavy, darker elements of winter have been packed away and the bright, refreshing colors of spring are making their appearance!

Being a part of the Ladies Tea Ministry at my church has helped with this endeavor.  We celebrated the first day of Spring yesterday and I wanted to make sure that Spring was felt in that room!  In my mind, I ran through the props that I have from previous tea's and decided that I wanted a clean, fresh look this time around.  Fresh flowers was the way to go and I knew that I wanted to use my blue Ball Mason jars to hold them.  .

After that, I decided to bring in my white pitcher collection and some of my antique glass cake plates.
I saw a theme developing before my eyes and I knew that blue and white was the base color palate with pinks and yellows coming in from the flowers.  I immediately began to gather items from around my home to see how they all worked together. It was so much fun!!!  I seriously could create and decorate every day of my life!! 

 The nest print came from whatever, the candle is Spring from Bath & Body Works

The tea came together beautifully and it's always a treat for me to spend the morning with my church staff , the girls who help put this together, and these wonderful ladies.  The women always have such wonderful stories to share from their childhood and I love how it keeps me connected to the past.

The next time I'm bringing something to create a backdrop.  The dry erase board and tv hanging aren't very pretty! lol

Blackberry, Strawberry and Apricot Thumbprints

As I was setting up for the tea I realized that I could use these elements on my mantle at home.  I always struggle to find something fresh for the mantle and now that our television is up there, it seems to be more of a struggle!  Obviously I couldn't set my mantle the exact same way as the tea, but I could use some of the same pieces to create the same overall feel!  I figured I had to unpack when I got home anyway, so I might as well change up the was about time!

I like to create interest by grouping similar things and using various heights.  Also by making sure that both ends of the mantle tie into one another, not that it has to be exact, but there has to be a common thread. 

I'm not sure about the hoop that is hanging.  There is only one screw in the brick so I can't hang more easily.  But when I take it down, it seems like something is missing.  I don't know, still need to tweak things a bit!  It's always a work in progress!!

The "Choose Happy" print is from Pinterest

I'm not a professional by any means nor do I claim to know all of the "rules" but I know what works for me and I know where to find inspiration.  If I were to offer a few starting points for you this is what I would say:

1. know what you like - who wants to surround themselves with things that they don't like -I know, that seems like a no brainer, but trust me, I'm sure someone out there either has things that they don't particularly care for or they've settled for nothing at all.

2. know the first rule of decorating - there really are no rules- I'm sure that you can find plenty who disagree but toss them aside and do what you love!  Does it make you smile, come to life, bring memories and positive feelings flooding in?  Then do it!

3.  have fun - if its not fun, don't do it!  Maybe you need to wait until you're "feeling" it.  I know I do.  If my creative mojo isn't flowing, I leave it alone.  When it hits, I know it and I move on it!!

4. find inspiration - inspiration is not seeing something and feeling like you have to have everything exactly the same.  It's not feeling overwhelmed and unable to attain.  Inspiration is something that moves you in a certain direction.

5. don't feel like you have to go out and spend money - you don't!  Shop your house first!  Then maybe shop your friends homes. (okay, just window shop there, but it's a good place to start!!)  I used to feel that way, and if I'm being honest, there are times that I do still feel that way.  I try to curb that desire but if I can't, I try to shop clearance or thrift stores and I always use nature -its free!

If you don't know where to look for inspiration check Pinterest or check out some bloggers!  For decorating inspiration I go to Lemonade Makin' Mama, Flower Patch Farmgirl, Meg Deurkson at whatever and quite a few more!! (side note: you get so much more than decorating with these gals, part of why I love them so much!!) 

The three of these ladies cover simplicity, quirkiness and color in their design.  It's fun trying to infuse each of their styles into one that I can call my own.  I'm not there yet and I may never be, but it sure is fun trying!!  Another one of my inspirations is my dear friend Shawn.  She has a beautifully restored farmhouse around the corner from me and I pull the beauty of the past from her.  Her home is warm, inviting and full of wonderful collections.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Here we go again.....

It's been so long since I've been here, that I didn't even remember how to get here!!!  That's sad.  I do love to share my world with whomever is reading but I just can't seem to manage it on a consistent basis. 

After recovering from pneumonia in mid October, life came at me at a pretty quick pace.  In November, my mom had pneumonia and it landed her in the hospital, thank God it was only overnight but still.  In December we found out that my Aunt Joan was very sick and one week after hearing the diagnosis, she went home to be with the Lord.  Dev.A.Stated.  I still haven't wrapped my mind around the fact that she is no longer here on earth with us.  There are so many times that I jut want to pick up the phone and call her.  This took place during Christmas, so needless to say, the holidays were a bit of a struggle.

I feel like January went by without a hitch, I celebrated my 42nd birthday -woohoo!  February came and brought with it some type of stomach bug that went through all six of us, one day at a time.  We also brought home a sweet little yellow lab which we named Mahoney (After Molly Mahoney from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium).  Our older lab's name is Molly <3  Corny, I know.  Our number three child turned 14 on Valentine's Day and because of that sickness we had to reschedule his birthday!!!  Lord willing it will happen this weekend!!

We had a few medical scares with my other two aunts but praise God, nothing came of it and they are fine.  My mom was in the ER last week for an extremely high blood pressure and heart rate -but all tests have come back fine.  This Tuesday I was in the ER.  I had been having some tightness in my chest and some tingling in my arms.  Another praise, my heart is fine, but I'm still left feeling very anxious and somewhat panicky.  If you know me, you know that that is not me.  I am a calm person and trust God with pretty much everything.

However, today, as far as we know is my hubby's last day of work.  His two year contract is up today and thus far nothing has been resolved to keep him there.  Not for lack of trying, mind you.  His boss has been very diligent in trying to get an extention or get him hired full time, but it seems that that this is not an emergency to anyone else in that company.  So, I am attributing these feelings to the fact that we are staring unemployment square in the eye once again.  Except this time there is no severence package to hold us over.

We've been three  years without benefits, no paid days off, no medical insurance and with four children in the house, that has me shaken up.  I continue to give it to God, knowing and trusting that He is in control.  But its hard as the momma to these precious little people to know that our ability to afford proper medical care is pretty much nonexistent.

So I come today, not to complain or dump, but to simply put the needs out there for any of you who read this and will pray.  We serve a mighty God and I've no doubt that He will continue to carry us.  I don't know what the outcome of this physical anxiety will be, but I'm trusting that He will work that out as well.  Along with the emergency room bill that is sure to be astronomical.

I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the snow that we've gotten this winter, but now it's March and it's time Spring got her groove on and made an appearance!!!!  Praying all has been well with you!!  Until next time -whenever that will be!!

God Bless - Lorraine